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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [晒されます]

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Gulf nations are constantly menaced by war.
As long as a bear is relatively inactive, and is not exposed to wind, it does not burn excessive energy in cold weather.
She didn't expose her skin to the sun.
They faced the peril of falling rocks.
They were exposed to the enemy's gunfire.
He was exposed to many dangers.
He deliberately exposed her to danger.
He was subjected to severe criticism.
He exposed himself to danger.
He was exposed to danger.
Exposing skin excessively to the sun causes sunburn, sometimes blisters.
A jaywalker exposes himself to great danger.
After spending hours out in the cold winter wind, my skin got all chapped and dry.
Many wild animals are in peril of their lives.
It's dangerous to expose babies to strong sunlight.
It is the border-line cases that are always in danger: the dignified buildings of the past which may possess no real artistic or historic value, but which people have become sentimentally attached to and have grown to love.
In fact, the inhabitants have been exposed to radioactive rays.
It is crazy of you to put your life at risk.
We were in danger of losing our lives.
I was in danger of losing my life.

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