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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [創った]

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One of my hobbies is making artificial flowers.
We cultivate rice.
My sister made me a beautiful doll.
Antibodies give a new lease of life.
You'll have to manufacture some kind of excuse.
As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.
Someday I will buy a cotton candy machine.
You are making history.
Are you creating for us a future world where there is a greater danger of skin cancer, weakened bodies, less food and fewer plants and animals?
Good fences make good neighbors.
Bees make honey.
Mike has been making a model plane since breakfast.
It's fine to set up a web page, just be sure you don't infringe anybody's copyright.
Bill made me a nice dress.
It's easy to make and it's cheap.
A committee has been set up to investigate the problem.
The actor used to have the tailor make his suits.
Pretty soon along came a steam shovel and dug a road through the hill covered with daisies.
Not all men are created equal.
It's necessary to take correct measurements when you are tailoring a suit.

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