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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [出かけましょう]

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One day I had a phone call from a friend. "There's a nice little earner, won't you come round?" so I went to his house.
I want to get a haircut before I go on the trip.
The same rule applies to going for a journey.
I feel like going on a trip.
My father went jogging after dinner.
How about going out for a walk after dinner?
I'll go out after having dinner.
How about going out for dinner?
I went all the way to see my friend, only to find him absent.
I went out of my way to visit my friend, but he wasn't at home.
You must not insist on going out alone so late at night.
It may rain tomorrow, but we are going in any case.
We must be off early tomorrow morning.
I will take my mother out in my new car tomorrow.
Tomorrow, I'm going to take my mother out in the new car.
Having read the book, she went shopping.
The mother cat went out hunting birds.
Mother has gone shopping.
My mother has gone shopping.
My mother made up her face before she went out.

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