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When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time.
Please hold the line so as not to lose your place in the queue.
There is no time to lose.
We are working hard to make up for lost time.
It is difficult to make up for wasted time.
Why don't you make up for the lost time?
All you need to do is get back the time you have wasted.
You must make up for lost time.
My father is economical of his time.
My father doesn't waste his time.
My father makes good use of his time.
She is economical of her time.
He looked upon any time not spent in study as so much lost time.
Though he is young, he never wastes time.
He regrets having wasted his time.
His negative attitude rendered all my efforts useless.
I regretted having wasted a great deal of time.
Our teacher has often told us not to idle away our time.
Let's hurry so as not to waste time.
You must be careful not to waste time.

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