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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [残す]

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With his wife and children in the country, he was at loose ends for something to do.
He made himself immortal with a number of outstanding books about education.
He left a note to the effect that he was going out for lunch.
Being left alone, he sank into meditation.
He left all his property to his wife in his will.
He died leaving his beloved children behind.
He finally made a name for himself as a politician.
He left his wife an enormous fortune.
He made a vivid impression.
With his wife and children in the country, he was at loose ends for something to do.
His wife died leaving behind their two beloved children.
His lecture left a deep impression on the mind of those present there.
The criminal left footprints.
Rainforests should be preserved.
One feels that the city has grown slowly and each age has left its mark.
The thief fled without leaving any traces.
What about the tall grass you left over by the cellar door?
The king left a large fortune behind.
The typhoon left behind a trail of destruction.
My grandmother left us a great fortune.

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