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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [引っ張り]

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Pull into shape after washing.
"What is this? An offering?" "That's right. Put it in this offertory box ... and pull this rope."
Hey, Ken'ichi, come along that drain pipe. I'll pull you up.
The mother pulled her son to his feet.
She gave a pluck at my elbow.
She pulled my shirt.
She gave a big pull on the rope.
His powerful speech carried the audience with him.
He pulled with all his strength but the rock would not move.
He pulled the wounded soldier to the nearby bush.
He pulled his son by the ear.
He caught my hand and pulled me to the second floor.
He dragged at my collar.
He pulled my shirt.
He pulled the rope.
The two children pulled at the rope until it broke.
Don't stand in other people's way.
Don't get in people's way.
Don't pull my sleeve.
Gravity pulls things toward the center of the earth.

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