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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [誉められる]

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They flattered him about his diligence.
They spoke well of their grandson.
They paid a high compliment to the speaker.
He was greatly praised, while I was as much scolded.
He could not but admire her.
He boosted her into the job.
He praised her beauty and her singing.
He spoke well of her son.
He studied all the harder for being praised by his teacher.
He freely praised her.
He worked all the harder because his master praised him.
He admired my new car.
He is well spoken of by everybody.
He was such a bright boy others admired him.
He was acclaimed as the best writer of the year.
He praised the pupil for his honesty.
He praised the girl for her honesty.
He is always looking for praise.
He always speaks well of her.
Her cheeks began to glow at his compliments.

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