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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [誉められる]

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The people praised him for his courage.
People ask you for criticism, but they only want praise.
When we are praised, we gain confidence.
The boss praised you for your good work.
I cannot praise her enough.
I cannot but admire him.
I praised him for his diligence.
We praised him for his wonderful performance.
Speak well of the dead.
Praising children is an important thing.
Some people think you cannot overpraise a child.
You cannot praise a child enough for doing something well.
Try to motivate kids with verbal praise.
I'll take that as a compliment.
We applauded his honesty.
Everyone admires the pictures painted by him.
Everybody praised Ken for his great courage.
Everyone always speaks well of Tony.
Praise stimulates students to work hard.
Helen blushed at their praise.

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