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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ようになる]

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The bout turned out rough and neither boxer was going to win hands down.
The doors fold back.
You will soon learn to speak English well.
Pretty soon, there was an elevated train going back and forth just above the small village.
And that's why for almost a hundred years, any employee has been able to go to his employer and insist on being paid in cash.
The children from the village would often gather up on top of the hill and from there watched the trucks and automobiles going back and forth to the city.
The loss of childhood spontaneity has caused widespread concern, as well as calls for review of the nation's educational and social structures.
Pretty soon there were trolley cars going back and forth in front of the Little House.
It will take awhile for the cement to dry before we can use it to park the car.
Memorize this paragraph until you can say it fluently.
It was only much later that I came to understand the importance of child education.
You will soon be able to ski well.
You will soon be able to swim.
He will be able to do the work soon.
We believe, however, that over a period of time, we will be able to make remittance in full settlement.
But then he fell in love with Jane Wilde, a student studying languages in London.
The jeans looked none the cleaner for having been washed.
How is it that otherwise reasonable people come to believe that this same roof, that practically vanishing commodity, is freely obtainable just by packing up and going to another country?
This means that others can only come to know you and like you by listening to what you say.
This may be because of a change in people's attitude toward marriage and the sharp increase of fast food restaurants and convenience stores which are open 24 hours a day and enable young people to live more easily.

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