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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ようになる]

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This book has become widely read in our country.
This style of hairdressing first appeared in the early 19th century.
The word came to be used for all small heavenly bodies revolving about larger ones.
It's not hard to see what the results of this rise will be.
The monkey, trained properly, will be able to do a lot of tricks.
This is how we've got to know each other.
Recently, the increasing diversity of computer use has extended far beyond the realms of the office.
It has been three years since I came to live here.
It is ten years since I came to live here.
It's been ten years since I came to live here.
Our baby is learning to speak.
When did you get to know the fact?
Someday we will be able to go on a voyage to Mars.
Some day you will come to realize the importance of saving.
When and where did you come to know her?
You will be able to dance well.
You will be able to speak English soon.
You will be able to play tennis better soon.
You will soon be able to speak English.
You may come to regret having told him about your plan.

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