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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ようになる]

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As you get older you start to feel that health is everything.
Now I'm older, I see things differently.
How long have you lived in Japan?
Broaden your horizon so that as you become more and more able to take care of yourself you will move intelligently.
People got to know me, and I had the same waitress all the time.
Years of practice has enabled me to keep accounts without difficulty.
Men, too, have discovered that there are various roles they can play.
We became Americanized after World War II.
Most foreigners learn to like Japanese dishes.
If I can get into university, I am hoping to learn to speak two foreign languages.
As Sadako grew weaker, she thought more about death.
After a lot of problems she managed to learn to drive a car.
Children learning to do all the other things.
My grandmother is very forgetful of things nowadays.
A baby comes to chew foods.
Developing political awareness takes time.
Developing political awareness takes time.
You must learn to see life as it is.
People were moving faster and faster.
People came to drink orange juice more and more.

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