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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [祭]

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Take it seriously! The school festival won't wait for us. We're already in the final countdown.
Well sports day is over too, next the midterms ...
I dressed up as a girl for the school festival.
I was dressed up as a girl at the school festival.
Our school festival was held last month.
Easter is near at hand.
The tramp gobbled down the Thanksgiving dinner served at the church.
She made friends with them at the school festival.
The athletic meeting has been postponed until the first fine day.
How did you do on sports day?
It was announced that the athletic meet would be put off.
The students were busy preparing for the school festival.
He will play the leading role for the first time in the next school festival.
I enjoyed watching the Easter Parade.
I made friends with them at the school festival.
The festival came to an end.
Happy Thanksgiving Day.
Have a nice Thanksgiving!
My school is getting ready for the campus music festival.
They helped one another to make the school festival a success.

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