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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [回らない]

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Students bustled about all the night.
Students bustled about all through the night.
I order you to turn right.
About face!
Being able to revolve, it is merry-go-round.
You have to pay the price.
Please go around to the side of the house.
Can you hike for days in the wilderness without seeing anyone?
The spaceship is out of orbit around the moon.
OK, now turn to your right, a little further, a little further... good. Now lie still on your back.
Now turn to your right, a little more, a little more. OK, now lie still on your back.
The room started to spin after I drank too much.
As you have often been here before, show me around, please.
The rocket is in orbit around the moon.
The yacht sailed around a buoy.
You get rusty if you haven't spoken English for a long time.
I think I'll look around a little more.
Mother Teresa began her work by looking around to see what was needed.
I'm up to the ears in debt.
Are you going to visit any other countries?

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