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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [回らない]

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The boy scouts went from door to door selling what they had made.
The brandy is reaching my head.
Put the meat in the frying pan after the oil has spread.
A mouse is running about in the room.
One mouse is running around in the room.
A mouse is running around the room.
I can't possibly manage it.
Secret police moved among the crowd during the demonstration.
The tape is rolling.
Fortune has turned in my favor.
It goes around the sun in 365 days.
The dancer whirled around the hall.
The patient is up and about.
I was interested in seeing the city.
The man went begging from door to door.
The ship sailed around the cape.
The girl was always following her mother.
Where can we go on that tour?
The skater spun round and round on the ice.
What places does that tour visit?

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