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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [回らない]

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Don't get so irritated. Rushing things will cost you more time in the end.
The skater spun around like a top.
The orbit around Sirius is elliptical.
Still others simply travel around America in recreational vehicles, seeing parts of the country they had been too busy to see before.
Copernicus taught that the earth moves around the sun.
This handle will not turn.
I'm so busy these days it makes my head spin. I don't even have time to watch a video.
He came a little after noon.
I ran all over town trying to borrow some money.
I've been nosing around the office trying to find out the news.
Without him our company would cease to function.
Can you go around the world in a day?
How nice to see you up and about again so soon!
"Can I help you?" "No, thank you. I'm just looking around."
You must turn your tongue seven times in your mouth before you speak.
I used a screwdriver to turn the screw, but it just didn't want to turn.
Throughout my life, I've had the great pleasure of travelling all around the world and working in many diverse nations.
When two armies oppose one another, those who can fight should fight, those who can't fight should guard, those who can't guard should flee, those who can't flee should surrender, and those who can't surrender should die.
After I graduated from college, I spent two years traveling around the world.
I keep hearing the song from that commercial over and over in my head.

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