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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [見つけられます]

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They weren't able to discover any secrets.
They looked far and wide for the missing dog.
They went along and along, but they couldn't seem to find just the right place.
When they woke up they saw a stone lying next to them.
It is worthwhile to ask what sort of picture they found there.
He found his parents.
He found the evidence that bees can communicate with each other.
He came across some old documents in the closet.
He detected his men's misconduct.
He found his father lying in the kitchen.
He had no difficulty in finding the place.
He found the school without difficulty.
He was surprised to find his stolen bag.
He found a ball in the garden.
He hit on a rare old book.
He found a good room with board near his college campus.
He caught a boy stealing his watch.
He's adept at jumping into profitable niches.
He searched his bag for his car key.
He came up with an answer to our problem.

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