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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [感ずる]

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He never seems to feel the cold.
He felt patriotism rise in his breast.
He suspected danger and didn't go near it.
He felt the rain on his face.
He feels the prize to be the superior.
He had no qualms in doing so.
He feels this new law will restrict his freedom.
As he had worked longer than usual, he felt tired.
Since he had worked longer than usual, he felt tired.
He felt tired because he had worked longer than usual.
I felt drawn to his story.
His voice was flat and lacked enthusiasm.
We sensed a melancholy note in his voice.
His heart was not in his work, nor did he take any pride in it.
His words made me feel uneasy about my future.
His words made me feel uneasy about my future.
Make him feel that he is still someone important.
After he left, she started feeling uneasy.
We got an unexpected present from him. I guess he felt a little obligated after what we did for him.
When the bomb was dropped, I felt the house rock back and forth.

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