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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [感ずる]

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I'm feeling kind of tired.
I felt a cold wind on my face.
I felt as if my face were on fire.
I felt cold.
I felt something move in the house.
I felt the house shaking terribly.
I felt something moving on my back.
I felt something touch my foot.
I can't help feeling affection for the English countryside.
It struck me that the girl was trying to hide something.
I became aware of someone looking at me.
I felt somebody patting on my shoulder from behind.
I have warm feelings for that doll.
I felt my face turn pale when I heard that sound.
I feel nothing but contempt for such behavior.
I feel a great joy for this job.
I don't get enough challenge in this job.
I was playing a game when I felt an earthquake.
I don't feel hostile toward you.
This aroused my fears.

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