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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [間違う]

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You know about 'ra-skipped words'? It looks like quite a lot of students are using mistaken words.
It's a very dangerous sport, where a slight mistake can lead to serious injury.
Well, broadly speaking that's right.
Oi! The thread title's wrong.
This seat, it's real leather, isn't it? It would be a disaster if some slip up gets it dirtied.
Rie has erroneous ideas.
In brief, he was wrong.
Obviously he is wrong.
It is wrong to aim at fame only.
To tell the truth, I think you are wrong.
I'm wrong, am I not?
I have gone astray somewhere in my calculation.
I'm sorry I've mistaken the direction.
Unfortunately the guide went wrong.
We thought it wrong to leave her alone.
She got a false impression of him.
She doesn't admit that she is wrong.
She doesn't admit that she is in the wrong.
She mistook me for my sister.
She took me for my brother.

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