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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [一人暮らし]

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My mother lives a lonely life in the country.
My mother lives by herself.
She has lived alone ever since her husband died.
Since her husband`s death, she has been living alone.
She is used to living alone.
He is not old enough to live alone.
I am accustomed to living alone.
My grandmother is in sound health and lives alone.
Living on my own, I really miss my mom's cooking.
Mayuko can't bear living alone.
Mayuko can't stand living alone.
The old man lives by himself.
I began living by myself.
I live on my own and don't depend on my parents for money.
He lives alone.
I'm used to living alone.
She lives alone.
He's too young to live by himself yet.
Tom left his parents' house this spring and has been living alone since then.
You'll get used to living alone in a pinch.

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