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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [呼ばれた]

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In Japan the ring shaped ones came into use first so they're also often called "contraceptive rings".
These are both called "future volitional" and include the intent of the subject.
The Kawagoe festival float has the shape of what's called a hoko float. It has three, or four, wheels attached.
In recent years, with a method called VLBI that uses quasar observations, and by GPS we have begun to understand the absolute movement of tectonic plates.
Ah, could it be you're embarrassed to be called by your first name?
A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.
Baseball is often called "the great American sport".
The Kiso River is often called the Rhine of Japan.
Please have a seat and wait until your name is called.
Did you hear your name called?
My heart beat when I heard my name called.
Those students whose names have been called will begin their exams.
Stand up when your name is called.
I heard my name called.
Did you hear your name called?
Answer to your name when it is called.
Answer to your name when it is called.
Every Tuesday morning an old lady called Mrs. Lark came to the children sang.
In legal terms, children are called "issue."
A woman whose husband is dead is called a widow.

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