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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [がらなかった]

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She wants to get a driver's license.
She feels very shy in the presence of the opposite sex.
She is always curious about what I am doing.
She is exceedingly sensitive to the cold.
She wants to attend the party.
She wants to become thin very much.
She really wants to lose weight.
She so wants to go.
She really wants to go.
She is anxious to visit Europe.
She is eager to go to France.
She wants to be a designer.
She is curious to find who sent the flowers.
She wants to know who sent the flowers.
She's curious to find out who sent the flowers.
She was amused at the joke.
She's anxious to know the results.
She was in a hurry to go home.
She was eager to go home.
She was impatient to see her family.

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