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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [行われない]

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The governor's speech was aimed at the press.
Ten games were played on the first day.
There was a discussion on the measures.
The graduation ceremony will take place on March 20th.
The graduation ceremony took place on the morning of the first of March.
The farewell party will be given next week.
The sacred ceremony was held in the magnificent temple.
A general election will be held in May.
Everything was done in accordance with the rules.
Many atrocities were committed during the war.
Because people in the world don't speak the same language, much effort is now devoted to translation.
It has been played in many ways in most cultures around the world.
The launching of artificial earth satellites is commonly looked upon as an exploration of space.
The first prohibition of slavery was in the mid-nineteenth century.
Learning probably takes place in virtually every activity in which we take part.
Experiments are carried out in a laboratory.
Car manufacturing is carried out by computer-programmed robots in place of human workers.
The game will be held rain or shine.
We are apt to watch television, irrespective of what program is on.
We tend to watch television, whatever show is broadcasted.

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