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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [行われない]

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The old belief is still widely current.
The wedding was held last week.
Publication of the article was timed to coincide with the professor's birthday.
The meeting took place last week.
The meeting is to be held here tomorrow.
The meeting will take place tomorrow.
The meeting is to be held at three.
The athletic meet is an annual event.
When will the party take place?
When is the party?
The concert will take place next spring.
The concert will take place next summer.
Everything should be done in accordance with the rules.
The speech contest took place on the ninth of November.
The union of Scotland and England took place in 1706.
Let it be done at once.
Jack and Peggy were married by the Rev. John Smith.
These meetings are carried on entirely in English.
All of these meetings are in English.
In the early part of my study, I allude to work that had already been done on the psychology of crowd-control.

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