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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [行われる]

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Nordic Combined is held as a combination of two events, ski-jump and cross-country ski.
Equestrian is the only mixed-gender Olympic event.
First, let us talk about the experiments conducted in laboratories.
You will receive a confirmation email after your account has been activated by an administrator.
Before the match, an opening ceremony was held in the Yoyogi stadium.
There's going to be a three-mile race tomorrow.
If the weather should be wet, the garden party will not be held.
If it happens to rain, the garden party won't be held.
If by some chance it rains, the garden party won't take place.
Her birthday party will be given next evening.
Her birthday party will be held tomorrow evening.
Her birthday party will be tomorrow evening.
Their wedding will be tomorrow.
Their wedding is tomorrow.
The Fukuoka Marathon was held on Sunday.
The poll was taken yesterday.
The weather is forecast, using the past data as a basis.
The party is to be held next Sunday, weather permitting.
The yacht race will take place tomorrow, weather permitting.
The hearing were made off-limits to the press.

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