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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["かかった"]

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The climb to the summit took six hours.
It took a long time, but in the end I was able to convince him.
It took years of saving, but their seagoing vacation come true at last.
You've taken a long time eating lunch.
The detective took six months to get at the truth of that affair.
Even in the case of a major disease, hope is a good weapon.
Rats desert a sinking ship.
I had the flu last month.
The front door remained locked.
Have you ever had food poisoning?
Have you ever gotten food poisoning?
He had not been in Tokyo a month when he got homesick.
It took the fireman almost two hours to put out the fire.
It took me three hours to finish the homework.
It took me three hours to finish my homework.
It cost me a fortune to get my car repaired.
It cost a lot of money to repair the car.
It cost me three hundred dollars to have my car repaired.
It cost $300 to get the car fixed.
Our car pulled uphill.

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