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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["座った"]

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We sat around the fire in a circle.
We sat around the fire in a circle.
We sat in the center of the room.
You'd better sit down, I suppose.
The dog sat down by the man.
We sat on a bench in the park.
We sat face to face with executives.
He seated himself on the bench.
An old man sat next to me on the bus.
It happened that I sat next to her at a meeting.
The old couple sat side by side.
The old man sat in the chair with his eyes closed.
The boy sat among the girls.
The boy sat on a chair.
The girl sat beside me.
And then he sat down himself.
A man came in and sat on the stool next to her.
John sat with arms crossed.
Mr Jordan sat down beside him.
But then, full of guilt, I sat down at my desk one evening.

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