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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["行けば"]

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Go down the street for about five minutes, and you will see the department store to the right.
How do I get to Gate 5?
How do I get to Gate 33?
If you go by Shinkansen, you'll be there in no time.
When you are walking down the road, you can meet lots of people.
How do I get to the beach?
How can I get to the station?
I don't know where I should go.
How do I get to your office from Tokyo Station?
Tom pretended not to know how to get to Mary's school.
Please tell me how to get to the beach.
What clothes do you think I should put on to go to my date tomorrow?
You can meet Tom there.
You can meet Tom there.
I think it would be more fun to go together.
If they had left earlier they would have made it.
Why don’t you rest here for a while?
If you go straight this way, you'll reach the station.

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