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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["高い"]

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You are taller than she is.
You are tall, but he is still taller.
You are taller than I.
You're taller than me.
You're taller than I am.
You are the tallest of us all.
How tall you are!
Your father is tall.
Who is taller, you or Ken?
Several more companies are moving to enter the lucrative pet food market of the country.
You see a tall building over there.
You see that tall building over there, don't you?
Sofas like that don't come cheap.
John is the taller of the two.
"Watch out for the trap!" she screamed.
"Why don't you wish a little harder?" asked the little white rabbit.
He is the tallest boy.
He is the tallest boy.
Her salary is very high.
Sato's high voice and mannerism are pretty effeminate.

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