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I'm saying that if the real thing comes to her, Sekka won't have anything to grumble about.
When you think about it, it's all Kenny's fault for being so obtuse.
And to the people whose married life is not going well, let's remember the marriage covenant sworn solemnly before God at the wedding ceremony.
You mustn't let the other person notice that you flinched.
For distances, if 100 meters is said it's exactly 100 meters.
It was annoying, as the manager took his team to a near-miss in the tournament.
No matter what I'm going to the beach! Towel and trunks. Insect repellant!
Of course there were several hundred boats moving around on the water but not just any old one would do.
It's not yet what you'd call finished but we're starting to get pretty good results.
Well, you'll find out that after you cross. If I give too much away right from the start it won't be so interesting.
Look, today was 'sea harvest' so let's go forage for edible plants tomorrow!
I went looking for pretty shells as a present!
He suggested I go with him to the party.
I don't quite follow, but it looks like it will prove tricky. Ergh.
For some reason it didn't go well, shot down at every attempt, and he led a sad "History of no girlfriend = Age" life.
Tom went splashing through the shallows.
Anyhow, lunch ... is where I wanted to go but I decided to go to the toilet first.
No, no! That's not right.
No doubt, regardless of the time, she was planning to go to the net café without me if I hadn't arrived first.
What sort of current affairs appear in the civil service examination?

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