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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [うまさ]

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He did well in all subjects, particularly mathematics.
He cheated death many times on the battlefield.
He is a good speaker as politicians go.
He is a good swimmer and also plays tennis well.
He didn't get on well in his new job.
It seems that he is happy with his new job.
He's getting on well in his new business.
He coaxed extra money from his mother.
He is in with the boss.
He rejoiced at the successful business transaction.
He could ski well when he was young.
He is a good shot.
He does speak well.
He makes good use of his talents.
He turned his experience to good account.
He tried unsuccessfully to domineer over his office workers.
He is getting along well with his employees.
He is very good at riding the wind.
He's good at fund raising.
He is a better swimmer than I.

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