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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [おじいさん]

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My grandfather goes for a walk on fine days.
My grandfather goes for walks on days when the weather is good.
Every day grandfather and grandmother gave the kitten plenty of milk, and soon the kitten grew nice and plump.
Grandfather sat in his habitual place near the fire.
Grandfather speaks very slowly.
My grandfather speaks very slowly.
The old man named the wooden doll Pinocchio.
My grandfather is a bit hard of hearing.
My grandfather is five times as old as I am.
I take care of my grandfather.
His grandfather bought him the expensive toy.
My grandfather has never consulted a doctor in his life.
How old is your grandfather?
He resembles his grandfather.
An old man was resting in the shade of the tree.
An old man was resting in the shade of the tree.
He was educated by her grandfather.
Where does your grandpa live?
A lonely old man lives there.
The old man living in the neighbourhood always greets me when I see him.

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