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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [かかり]

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It took a long time to bring him around to our point of view.
They cut down the trees dying of disease.
They were rescued by a passing ship.
They passed by her house yesterday.
They were hung up in a traffic jam for half an hour.
They set about building a house.
They rescued the boy from drowning.
It took us a week to locate their hideaway.
It took one week to locate their hiding place.
He went at them with his fists.
It will be some time before they come.
He came down with the flu.
He was caught in the clutches of the law.
He came down with a cold.
He caught a cold.
He is under the care of the doctor with a cold.
He is subject to insomnia.
He contracted an incurable disease.
He has an incurable disease.
He was taken ill.

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