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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [かけました]

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Trading partners are leaning on Japan to clarify its trade policy.
Remember to lock the door.
Don't fail to lock the door.
Insure it, please.
The walls were hung with some pictures.
They charge tax on liquor in the U.S.
Hillary rested the ladder against the wall.
The soldiers' food supply is running out.
I forgot to lock the storeroom.
I'm afraid I'm coming down with a cold.
The condition of the patient is on the turn.
Don't fail to call me back.
Don't fail to call me back.
I felt very sorry that I had put them to so much trouble.
I felt very sorry that I had put them to so much trouble.
She sang a song, smiling at me.
She smiled at me while she sang a song.
Whenever I meet her, she smiles at me.
Whenever I meet her, she smiles at me.
She was ironing her dress.

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