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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [かわいくて]

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That cute baby is the fruit of their love.
Look at that pretty little girl.
That pretty girl is my sister.
You are both pretty and kind.
Look at the tall pretty girl standing there.
His little sister is very cute, isn't she?
"What a cute puppy. Why is he called Panda?" "Because his face looks like a panda."
Nanako is really cute, isn't she?
The stupider the child, the more lovely.
The more foolish a child is, the cuter he seems to his parents.
Mom bought a pretty doll for me.
Even without makeup, she's very cute.
Even when she's not wearing makeup, she's very beautiful.
My brother gave me a cute doll.
The other girls are jealous of Lily because she is extremely pretty.
The baby in the cradle is very pretty.
The baby in the cradle is very cute.
Look at that pretty little girl.
There are many cute children in the world.
I think my girlfriend is kind of cute.

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