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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [さん]

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Does your wife know German?
Tom drowned in Lake Superior three years ago.
My sister is my sister. I am who I am.
A number of cars are parked in front of my house.
I'm the middle child of three.
I'm the second oldest of three children.
It's 3:10.
May I speak to Mike, please?
May I speak to Mike, please?
Please put me through to Mr. Smith.
It's 3:30.
When I was at high school, I knew a lot of jokes.
May I have your attention, please?
If you eat a lot, you'll eventually get fat.
Mr. Esperanto is well, isn't he?
I sent this letter to my uncle.
It will be three months before our house is completed.
I have a friend whose father is a magician.
I don't know who Tom's wife is.
I borrowed three books from the library.

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