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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [しまう]

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I called Susan to apologize to her, but she hung up on me.
I am always leaving my umbrella on the train.
I always leave my umbrella on the train.
I fell asleep before my father came home.
My girlfriend has gone to Canada.
My rusty Ford broke down, obstructing the intersection.
I have gone astray somewhere in my calculation.
I had him come while I was still in bed.
I have lost my cap.
You may as well burn your money as spend it on lottery tickets.
The mother was shocked and was at once all sympathy.
My mother has sold everything that is dear to her.
Mother has just gone out shopping.
Mom was at a loss about what to do with the mess.
Mother told me to come home early, but I was late.
I put away the report card in the drawer for fear that Mother should see it.
I put the report card in the drawer so my mother wouldn't see it.
Let's bypass the protection circuit.
Let's jump the protection circuit.
I forgot to bring my health insurance card.

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