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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [たい]

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Reading comics is usually viewed as the pastime of children.
If he should die tomorrow, what in the world would you do?
Every day I work different hours.
I work different hours every day.
In this paper I would like to examine the notion of "dyad style" and its influence on fine arts.
Honestly, I would also like to go.
I must be true to myself.
What is the reason you want to enter this college?
A book can be compared to a friend.
I almost always play baseball after school.
I want to marry her.
I want to ride a horse.
I want to try riding a horse.
I want to sleep.
I'd like to engage in foreign trade in the future.
I want something cold to drink now.
I want to be a doctor.
I want to make friends with Nancy.
I just want to glance at the paper.
I want to emphasize this point in particular.

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