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Karl Marx says, "The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles."
Open source is the engine that drives technological innovation.
You don't need to bring up "A Winter Sonata" to show that South Korean culture is having an unexpected boom in Japan.
Mr. Naruhodo's law firm is "The World's Leading Energy Law Firm".
Soseki was a contemporary of Ohgai.
Smell is one of the five senses.
Talking is a human ability.
Don't be afraid to show yourself through speech and take every opportunity to speak to others in English and soon you will feel right at home in informal conversational situations.
It was Socrates who laid the foundation of logic.
Central to this issue is the problem of modernization.
Old age is an island surrounded by death.
Old people are inclined to look back on the past.
It's hard for an old man to change his way of living.
It is important for old people to stay strong.
It is not wise, nor in the long run is it kind, to tax the thrifty for the thriftless.
Respect is due to the proletariat.
The workers like to gather in a pub where they can let their hair down.
Work is not only important for economic benefits, the salary, but also for social and psychological needs, the feeling of doing something for the good of society.
Labor is not merely a necessity but a pleasure.
Love is by nature blind.

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