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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ひとり]

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You shouldn't be alone, Tom.
When I looked at my travel pictures of when I went on a trip alone to Australia, I felt like crying.
If you eat with someone you like, everything is delicious, if you eat with someone you don't like, everything is nasty. If you eat alone, you can't taste anything at all.
Did you make this doll by yourself?
Solitude is fine, but you need someone to tell you that solitude is fine.
A woman is reading a book in the library.
Once there was a poor farmer in the village.
I hate being alone this time of year.
Tom doesn't like being around children because he's always afraid of catching a cold from one of them.
I can go by myself!
How can a guy who can’t save one friend become Hokage?
One person can only challenge this game once.
This house is too spacious to live alone.
Maybe it is because her house is distant that Miss Toujou is without any friends, her being alone makes me feel saved just a bit.
her house is distant (from her other friend's houses).

2 疑いの気持ちで推定する意を表す。「心なしか顔色がさえないようだ」「気のせいか彼女のひとみがぬれているように思われる」
ie, there is a feeling of doubt with the preceding assumption (家が離れているから).

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