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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [もらえる]

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She had a bad tooth taken out.
She went all the way to see her doctor only to find him absent.
She had her dress made.
She could not quite bring herself to adopt a child.
She therefore came up on this side, opened her own window and tapped her horn lightly to draw attention to the fact that she was there.
She had the box carried downstairs.
She had the box carried to the first floor.
She gave me charming embroideries.
She had wonderful food and, what was more, she was given a New year's gift.
She always has her hair done by a famous hairdresser.
She is always fishing for compliments.
She put her assistants to work assembling evidence.
She wanted him to take care of her parents.
I would like you to introduce me to her.
She was excused attendance at the meeting.
I'd rather she sat next to me.
I got her to wash dishes.
I received a letter from her.
I have seldom heard from her.
She gave me charming embroideries.

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