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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [やらなくて]

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Do it by yourself.
In order to return to our era, what should we do?
If it's an aggressive strange salesman, then call me right away. I'll chase him off.
Kano, pretending to cry has impact from being used sparingly!
As you're starting from scratch you might as well have gone for a major makeover...
I'll do my best to have nothing left to do!
As I glanced at the street there was somebody looking down at me in the middle of those walking past each other.
I will not say play fair but I would wish that you refrain from indiscreet acts.
If I'm going to have a wedding ceremony, I want it to be the best ever so I have no regrets!
Or rather, is it not just pathetic that I think such whiny thoughts like this?
Hey! What are you doing blocking the way?
So, well, it's a bitter decision for the student council to make as well. Give 'em a break.
That way you keep thinking about me but are unable to admit to your feelings, that hot and cold feel is a real boom among young men!
This is a plan that takes into account your stature and your ability to guard. By all means do it for me.
If you calculate the electric field using this equation, the result comes out like the following.
'Cuz it's a giant pain in the arse, if I don't wanna do something I just won't do it.
Hey, pops! What are you doing!
The container may be the best in Japan, but if the contents are third class, then isn't it completely meaningless?
Hello, what's that? Somebody doing street theatre or something?
Yes, a man is as good as his word. But I'll just be helping, you understand. You'll have to work too.

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