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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [やる]

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She is watering the flowers.
She doesn't like to leave anything unfinished.
What is she about?
What's she doing?
How did she ever pass the test?
She tried hard, but she failed.
There's more to her than you think. She may seem pretty meek on first glance, but I get the sense she can get things done when she needs to.
As often as she tried, she failed.
She failed every time she tried.
She'll try it once more.
She gave the children two apples each.
It is preferable that she do it alone.
She is a cheerful giver.
She's pretty good at it, but she lacks class.
How did she come to know so much about fish?
How did she get to know so much about fish?
She did it in her own way.
She stressed that she did it by herself.
She did it easily.
She did it entirely of her own accord.

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