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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [をして]

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She has a tender heart.
She is collecting on behalf of the blind.
She was only pretending to be asleep.
She looks sleepy. She may have stayed up late last night.
She spends every Saturday afternoon playing tennis.
She has abundant hair.
She cleaned the room, and ran errands.
She is wearing a long face.
She frowned him into silence.
Her stern look got him to quit talking.
She is living an unhappy life.
She cares for her sick mother.
She looked as if she had been sick in bed for years.
She practices playing the piano regularly.
She has a beautiful voice.
She wore a sad expression.
She looked sad.
She is said to be in love with him.
It's said that she loves him.
They say that she is in love with him.

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