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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ジム]

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Jim got down from the tree.
Jim makes a point of jogging three miles every day.
Jim is not what he was.
Jim wrote the letter for Betty.
Jim is Canadian.
Jim is what is called an absent-minded student.
Jim's parents agreed to his marriage with Susan.
Jim's father always comes home late.
Jim's father always comes home late.
Jim's college boasts the finest view in the city.
Jim's uncle is due to retire next year.
I can't go along with Jim's plan.
Don't speak ill of Jim in his absence.
Jim is no more to blame than you are.
Why don't you share your cookies with Jim?
She was glad to have Jim say her name.
The girl talking with Jim is Mary.
Jim and Mike threw the ball back and forth.
Do you know where Jim and Nancy are?
Jim is short for James.

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