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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [代わり]

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Would you like another helping of pie?
Honey, will you go shopping for me?
Tom hurt his left knee during practice, so John had to play the game in his place.
We will have to take on someone to do Tom's work.
Who will fill in for Tom when he is away?
May I return the car instead?
Please have a second helping.
TV has taken the place of radio.
Television almost has taken the place of the movie theater.
Can you take over driving for a while?
There is no telling who will be sent in his place.
It's more economical to go by bus instead of taking a taxi.
We use them often as parasols or umbrellas.
The box will serve as a table.
Let's play cards instead.
Instead, he worked a switch that controlled his computer.
Can their families say this for them? Some people think this is a good idea.
The priest took the sick man's place.
The relief pitcher was no substitute for the ace.
The can will do for an ashtray.

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