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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [住まなく]

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He lives in this lonely place by himself.
He lives here all alone.
He lived in France for some time, then went to Italy.
He dwelt for a time in France, then went to Italy.
He lived here for a time.
He used to live here.
He lives in a poor district of London.
He lived in the center of London.
He lives in the suburbs of London.
He no longer lives here.
He does not live there any more.
He no longer lives here.
He is no longer living here.
He lives in the wood all by himself.
He lives in Boston City.
He lives in Boston.
He lived there by himself.
He went to Paris, where he lived for five years.
Having been living in New York for three years, he knows many good restaurants there.
How long has he lived in London?

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