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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [作文]

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Now I have my composition written.
I got Mary to correct the errors in my composition.
I had Mr Jones correct my composition.
I had Mr. Jones correct my composition.
I've got to finish this essay by tomorrow.
I had my composition corrected by the teacher.
Will you please look over my composition?
What is important in writing a composition is to make your ideas clear.
Have you finished writing your composition?
Bring your essay to me this afternoon.
You'll have this composition written by noon tomorrow, won't you?
All the compositions were good except yours.
Compare your composition with the example.
Your English composition is above the average.
Your composition was good except for the spelling.
Your composition leaves nothing to be desired.
Your composition is very good, and it has few mistakes.
Your composition is the best yet.
Your composition is very good, and it has few mistakes.
Your composition is perfect except for a few mistakes.

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