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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [信頼]

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We can rely on his judgement.
Encryption technology has advanced to the point where it's pretty reliable.
I believe in Ken.
I trust Ken.
I rely on Ken.
I have confidence in Ken.
Mary was not worthy of your trust.
He may still be young, but he really is a reliable person.
It was because she had faith in his capabilities.
The politician did not bother to apologize for betraying our trust.
Ms Jaguar offered Mr Clinton the position because she had faith in his capabilities.
Such a man cannot be relied upon.
All these devices are unreliable.
You can depend on this dictionary.
It is questionable whether this data can be relied on.
Cosby's argument concerns the reliability of the Hette Manuscript.
Earning our customers confidence and respect is this firm's objective.
I did wrong in trusting such a fellow.
I trust him to some extent.
He is a man who can always be trusted.

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