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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [入って]

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He got a nice job recently.
It seems that he likes his present job.
He has a monthly income of 2,000 dollars.
He went into the bank.
He slid the money into my pocket.
He was in prison on a charge of robbery.
He put salt into his cup of coffee by mistake.
He framed the picture he had bought on the street.
He prides himself on having been accepted into our football team.
He warned us not to enter the room.
He came in quietly in order not to wake the family.
He belongs to the music club.
He joined the English club.
He often walks with his hand in his pocket.
He entered the room slowly by that door.
He held over his decision until he got more information.
He dropped a letter into the mailbox.
He was listening with his chin resting on his hand.
As soon as he went to bed, he fell fast asleep, for he was very tired.
He ran water into the bathtub.

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